4 Tips To Improve Your Lighting Design In Spring TX

It does not have to be a difficult decision to choose the right light fixture for your space. Our team of licensed electricians at Brothers Lighting will ensure you get an ideal light fixture for your home. We want to help you keep up with home lighting design trends for 2020, so we put together the following lighting design tips.

1. Determine Your Lighting Goals

It is important to determine the main function of the lighting fixtures if you want to choose the right light fixtures for your specific space. Direct or task lighting might be the right fit for your space if you are looking for the light to focus on a specific space, but indirect or ambient lighting might the ideal option for your space if you are looking to light up a much larger space or create ambiance. You can shop for the best and ideal light fixture once you know the main function of the light source that you want to buy. So, determine your lighting goals before buying a light fixture.

2. Exterior Decor Lighting

Outdoor light fixtures, like wall sconces, are one of the greatest ways for creating ambiance and providing exterior light in the evening, even though many people believe outdoor lighting is completely utilitarian. To draw attention to plants and architectural elements around your home, you might want to consider using directional sconces.

3. Use Multiple Light Sources

To combine a variety of functions, use multiple light fixtures for different rooms in the home, including living spaces, bedrooms, or kitchen. For instance, you can combine ceiling lights with a floor lamp in your living room or mix under counter lighting in your kitchen with overhead lighting.

4. Formal Lighting

Choose a lighting fixture that will not outdate the formal spaces that usually require a chandelier. There is a wide range of styles of chandeliers, which include expensive and ornate crystal designs and extremely simple designs, including small bulbs, faux candles, or few lights. It is important to select the right type of chandelier for the specific space, so consider space, the surrounding décor, and the ceiling height before buying a chandelier.

Get in touch with Brothers Lighting if you are interested in our commercial electrical services or residential electrical services or if you want to learn more lighting design tips on how to choose the right light fixture for your space.