The Best Office Lighting For Employees Productivity In Spring TX
Part 2
Maximize Natural Light In Your Office
Workers who were exposed to sufficient natural light saw an 84% reduction in headaches, blurred vision, and eye strain. Exposure to natural light plays a role in regulating hormones and improving one’s circadian rhythm. This way employees get more quality sleep at night and remain active and productive the next day at work.
There are many factors we take into consideration when designing a building including, the building’s orientation, latitude, the height of the ceiling, and obstructions, to make the most of the existing natural light. We normally designate areas that have windows for common areas instead of for private office spaces, as this ensures that everyone has access to natural light.
Color & Temperature Of Your Office Lighting
The color and temperature of the lighting in the office should be adjusted depending on the function of the space. When designing an office space, it is highly important to achieve the correct amount of light. We seriously consider the implications different spectrums and intensity of light have on employee health.
Generally, cooler blue and white lights are ideal for working environments while warmer yellow or orange lights are great for relaxing. The cooler blue and whites also make it easier to wake up and concentrate. Where possible, the color and temperature of your lighting should vary depending on the time of the day. During the morning hours, the lights should be brighter and cooler to ensure that the employees stay alert and focused. Later on in the day, the lights should be warmer to allow employees to unwind.
How Bright Is Too Bright For Office Lighting?
When it comes to brightness, the task being carried out is the most important factor to consider. It is more practical to have maximum natural light in kitchens and common areas since natural light is diffuse and workers in these areas aren’t typically looking at screens.
On the other hand, in workspaces, it is important to control the amount of natural light getting in. The power and brightness of the light from the sun far outmatch the light coming from our laptops and desktops. This can severely limit what the employees are able to see on their screens. Thus, desks and workplaces need to be placed in a more controlled setting, where the sun’s intensity is diffused or blocked out.
Energy-Saving Office Lights
When it comes to energy-saving purposes, the best types of lights to consider include LEDs, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and halogen incandescents. Motion-sensor lights are an excellent option for areas that are only used periodically, for example, basements, bathrooms, and supply closets. Another way of saving on energy costs is putting lights on a timer to make sure that they aren’t accidentally left on when nobody is in the room. You can also consider dimmers that let you turn down the lights when your work doesn’t need a lot of brightness.
Contact us or call us today for any help you need with your workplace lighting system. Missed the first article in this series? Click here!